The Death road

2017 was a year filled with new challenges, experiences and adventures for me. I jumped in the deep end, hoping I could swim and I did. So what better way to spend the last day of the year then with the ultimate adventure - cycling the death road in Bolivia - just outside of La Paz. 

We arrived at La Cumbre up in the mountains at 4700m. We got our gear ready, tried out our bikes, helmets and protective gear. We said a prayer to mother earth to keep us safe as we sacrificed alcohol to the earth and to our bikes before the descent began.

We started rolling down the asphalt road for the first kilometers, trying out a small gravel road on the side of a tunnel before the official death road began.

As we reached the top of the death road the clouds had gathered and it was foggy and rainy. Leaving us with only a few metres viability as we kept left down the first section of the road. I kept to the back, and made my decent slowly, having been reminded of my previous injuries, the pain and the recovery time. The guides were super, asked if I was scared but no, not scared but I simply wanted to enjoy it - painlessly! 

As we continued downhill the clouds scattered and the sun came out, the layers of clothing became less and less and I stopped, staired and couldn't quite believe the beauty that was surronding me - once again I was speechless in front of the beauty that is the South American nature and I was feeling thankful for every up and down throughout the year(s) that finally took me here. 

We reached 1200m, the lowest height we've been at for quite some time. We relaxed by the pool, had lunch and then continued by bus on the new roads, but with equally as stunning views back to La Paz. 

A well deserved and lovely buffet dinner waited for us before we headed down to the square to say farewell to 2017, which turned out to be pretty amazing in the end, and welcome 2018. May it be filled with even more adventures, laughters and new encounters. 


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