Packing for the next 6 months

So, today's mission is to pack one backpack with clothes etc that I will carry for the next 6 months. Because I have to carry it it has to be as light as possible yet contain everything that I need. Normally when I pack there is always something that I end up not using however, this time around I am trying to get it exactly right. But the most important thing is my new travel journal and my travel guide for South East Asia. This so that I can keep everyone updated of where we are/was, what we did, where we stayed and how much we paid. So stay tuned...

It is a little bit scary, seeing that we started planning this trip 3 weeks ago but more than anything very exciting. Best of all, I get to share it with my new found friend that I met this summer in Greece. The countdown ha s officially started: 3 days to go! 


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