We drove down there one afternoon after work, speeding a bit
to make sure we made it on time before the sun went down and they would close
the entrance to Zalongo. We could spot the monument far away, high up on the
mountains we say the bright white monument growing bigger and bigger as we got
closer. We arrived at the Monestry which is located at the foot of the final
climb up to Zalongo, which can be reached by a steep climb up a long winding
road of stone steps.
The story goes that as the Turks invaded Greece, they
overtook a village, and took the women and children as slaves, half of them
managed to escape up to the highest part of the mountain, it is said that they
would rather die than become slaves and before they jumped over the edge with
their children, they did a dance together and sang this song:
“Farewell poor world,
Farewell sweet life,
and you, my wretched country,
Farewell for ever
Farewell sweet life,
and you, my wretched country,
Farewell for ever
Farewell springs,
Valleys, mountains and hills
Farewell springs
And you, women of Souli
Valleys, mountains and hills
Farewell springs
And you, women of Souli
The fish cannot live on the land
Nor the flower on the sand
And the women of Souli
Cannot live without freedom
Nor the flower on the sand
And the women of Souli
Cannot live without freedom
Farewell springs,
The women of Souli
Have not only learnt how to survive
They also know how to die
Not to tolerate slavery
Have not only learnt how to survive
They also know how to die
Not to tolerate slavery
Farewell springs”
The monument has later
been raised in their memory, to remember the bravery and to recognise them for
what they did.
The monument itself is amazing and the views are stunning
from up there but more than anything I felt honoured to stand there, in the
place where these women and children did their last dance before jumping
towards a death that was more desirable then the life as slaves that was
waiting for them if they didn’t. A truly amazing place which I personally think
is a must to visit if you are every in this region of Greece.
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